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Wed Aug 2 : Curfew

Fk. Got in at 2am and tha Lady has told me that I'm not allowed to go out later than 11.30pm ever again. Maybe I shouldn't have text her at 11pm that I was coming home in a minute. She calls me at 12 and I say "Hi - Dave's just turned up!". Line goes dead.

August 2, 2006 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0)

Fri 23rd Sept : Bank Of England

The Lady went to Philly (I have to go down on Sunday). Cards with the boys in Brooklyn. Bank Of England lost its wedge. One good hand. Nice pizza and wings.  We get a call to meet some Brits in Christie Park but  Crazy Dave drags us off to Happy Ending in LES/Chinatown. Downstairs is a mix of local Asian cats and Upper West Side tourists. A good mix of 80s alt plays. Chit chat. Chit chat. Watch the girls dance. Huh – it’s 4am already!

September 23, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Wed 21st Sept: 3 Act Night

A night of three acts. Kick off at the Strand where I saw Malcolm Gladwell and John Berlin xxx have a good chat about ideas, innovation. Then scooted out when the audience questions started – lots of polite nodding to folk with their own agenda.

Then down to a party with Adriana Huffingdon at uber-blog-person Nick Denton’s apartment.  Blog types mixing with blazer and chino guys, power couples and ambitious smart ladies. It took me to long to get a glass of bubbly so I started getting anxious.

Dash back to pick up the lady from the slightly smaller apartment and then off to see a band the lady has to show her face. We get up top 42nd and the lights shine like it’s daylight. Downstairs in BB Kings a metal band from Finland are being watched by a horde of black T Shirted shaven headed guys and their rather nubile girlfriends. The exception is some skinny pale kid who is freaking out to the tunes in his iPod, ignorant of the soft rock number the guy is singing on stage: “We come from the land of cold. Although we may be bold, we hope our hearts aren’t cold.” or something like that.

September 21, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Friday 16th Sept : Training

  Originally uploaded by GuyBrighton.

Here I am with pinky up in the air training for Sunday. We're celebrating the anniversary of a British couple in Brooklyn. We're all here - and a few London based Brits are in town... it's amazing how they turn up and expect that everyone's got party favo(u)rs. It's as if London's still strung out in some youth clutching frenzy...

Not for me. Watch the pinky, I'm in training mate...

September 16, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Thur 15th Sept : Arcade Bowie

We turned up to hear the last two songs of Arcade Fire, well the last 2 songs before the encore. I had tried my best to hurry up to Central Park to see them at Summer Stage but I got distracted at 2 bars on Avenue C, then to pick up L at Nevada Smiths on 3rd Avenne, then to pick up the girls at a restaurant on 58. When we met the girls they still had a bottle of wine to get through.

The band won't be on yet - we thought.... meanwhile, 20 blocks north, they were rocking the park.

ArcadefirebowieWhen the lights came down, we were pretty disappointed with ourselves - but then came the encore. And then we didn't feel sorry at all. We were here for the best part of the show!!

>>> DAVID BOWIE c ame on to sing and play with Arcade Fire <<<

September 15, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Thurs 2nd June : All Day One Day

Last nigth at the Brass Monkey then brazilian bar then dive bar I've had my eye on. Johnny's On Greenwich Ave. Mr Mc who was with me said how much he liked it. I told him, yeah I've been waiting for the right moment where I spend all day tucked away in the dark corner at the back. He looked a bit shocked. I'd have breakfast first, I told him.

June 2, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wed 1st June : Bath House Memories

Went out with English on Wednesday night and I had this curious nostalgic feeling for times you would go to the pub in the evening after work, drink 5 pints and realise you didn't need to have dinner after all - and so have a couple more pints.

Much of this happened in the Bath House on Dean Street I remember.

Cheeky burger in the Spotted Pig on the way home!

June 1, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sunday 22nd May : Billy F Idol

The Lady had free tickets to see Billy Idol. Well, you have to don't you. Come on, we all strutted to Rebel Yell at the school disco Actually quite a good show, if a bit naff. He must be in his late 40s now but he obviously hasn't got a day job but does have a gym in his basement. Got there late, missed White Wedding but got Rebel Yell and LA Woman. He loved, the crowd loved it. It was one of the best gigs I've been to sober. We went down to hang out with Uncle Mike as he played tunes at Bungalow 8. Who happens to walk in? Billy F Idol and his old mate Bono. Lots of smoking pot ensues. Party.

May 22, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures, The Lady | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Thur 24th March : Passer Out

Passer by girl
Originally uploaded by GuyBrighton.

There I was in the Passer By on Friday night (2am). I was having a great time. Maybe it was that Chilean tequila at 6pm - I stopped dancing like a fool at one point and turned around to find that I was the only one dancing tonight.

March 27, 2005 in Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Mon 21st March : Strippers

Was good to see an old Irish friend Justin in town - had a decent beer with him Monday night with a couple of other Irish - one I know pretty well Ade - nice softly spoken lad - the other guy is new to town. After steak and a beer in Old Town, new guy decides he wants to see some tits.

So we trundle off to a titty joint and I pay 40 bucks for 4 bottles of beer. Ladies come and join us and a dance is just 20 bucks, and everyone else is having one - of course, I think of the lady at home and I decline. I have to decline three times and with Easter almost upon us I feel a pang of guilt.

As Justin and I get to leave a blonge with well built knockers stops me and says that Ade hasn't paid for his 2 dances - he's gone off to the cash machine. Justin's yelling at her that it's not his problem - but I see the bouncer not looking too happy. I follow Justin to get my coat but luckily Ade comes back as the gorilla goes to seal the door. We can't find new guy anywhere. It's late we have to go.

March 21, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack