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A Little Job Advice For Brits In NYC

I'm just posting a reply I sent to an email I got. Hope it helps.

> Hey Guy,
> I stumbled across your blog on the internet as I was looking for H1-B
> sponsors in New York City.
> I found this website www.h1base.com where you can pay  $25.00 or more to
> view job listings posted by H1-B sponsors.  I just wondered if you have had
> any experience with this website or if you know of any better ones that I
> could look at?


The best way to do come over and work is to have a Brit company bring you over. Otherwise, I would normally recommend that you come over for 3 months and bang on doors.  But there aren't any visas for another 15 months (I think).

Best bet is to come over in February / March next year - find someone who will put in a sponsorship application in April for you to start October.

Sorry the news isn't positive.... it took me 15 months to get my visa and I lived* here!


* Obviously, this is an exaggeration if anyone from the Immigration Bureau is reading. I was on holiday in the US enjoying this fine country - as this blog testifies.

June 2, 2005 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Tue 7th Dec : Working In Advertising

Sometimes I wish I could have read this article in the UK's Independent before I came here ;)

British admen learn fast in America. They learn that advertising's an altogether different game, not just a vastly bigger one - actually not a game at all, nor a branch of arts and entertainment, but a business, almost as mainstream as, say, accountancy.


Viewed from commercial America, British advertising looks like something bent out of shape by a culture so consumed with embarrassment it can't look a salesman in the eye when he's making a pitch, particularly if that pitch is laden shoulder high with emotion - love of country, family or God. From a mainstream US perspective our quirky elliptical leave-them-guessing advertising approach is kind of charming, but kind of unworkable too in America, with its fragmented audiences and ethnicities, its raging sensitivities and, above all, its huge risks. American advertising is risk averse because there's so much at stake with those huge clients and their mega-spends. It means everything is researched to death so all backs are covered.


The style and culture of advertising agencies themselves - and particularly the giant Madison Avenue houses - are very different too. There's size for a start. A major like Ogilvy and Mather will have 3,000-plus people working in its New York office. At that scale the whole thing has to be run in a very grown-up way, and the "suits" (client handlers) dress very sensibly indeed. It's more ... businesslike. Everything seems older too. The big agencies have senior statesmen who are practically Blake Carrington, whereas we know that in London agencies the over-50s are quietly defenestrated in favour of children with spiked hair and drop-crotch jeans.

In Britain, advertising and its people are socially smart in the wider world in direct ratio to their distance from hard selling and their resemblance to the arts and entertainment. And advertising people definitely take their place in our great world.


In America, advertising isn't that socially glamorous - they've got Hollywood after all - and its practitioners aren't so famous, but they make millions and it's an acceptable career choice for a decent MBA graduate who thinks creativity is something best left to window-dressers.

December 7, 2004 in Diary, Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

H1B Visa Situation

Some people use this site for the job tips, recruiter email addresses and so forth.

The news for all would be Guy Brightons is that the 65,000 H1B foreign worker visas for 2004/2005 have now run out. No new H1Bs will be available until October 1, 2005 - although you should apply for them from 1st October

Murphy.com says:

AILA is working diligently to encourage the USCIS make the number of H1Bs that have been or will be revoked during this fiscal year available to H1B employers and prospective H1B beneficiaries. A confirmation as to the availability of such additional H1Bs is expected sometime later this month or by November 2004.

Additionally, AILA is working towards H1B cap relief by pushing Congress to increase the number of H1Bs. At minimum, AILA is requesting that individuals who have earned at least a Master's degree, MD, or Ph.D. be exempt from the H1B numerical limitation.



October 25, 2004 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

New York City Headhunters

NYC BarThis post is an update of a previous posting of NYC Head Hunter details.. Check all my Job Hunt Advice if you're looking for work in NYC particularly in Advertising / Marketing.


Ken Wachtel
1118 Oenoke Ridge Road
New Canaan, CT 06840
[email protected]
(203) 966-6255

Bib and Kim Scott at Profiler in LA - they do online media sales placements. Contact Bib at [email protected] or 310-446-8343

Susana M. Williams
Western Manager
[email protected]
925-776-5330 (office)
925-775-7079 (efax)
415-215-4708 (cell)
Not Your Father's Rep Firm

Terri Tepedino
Vintage Resources
(212) 867-1001
11 E. 44th St. Suite 708
New York, NY

Bob Kleinman
Axis Personel

Mark Anderson
TalentBridge International
p - 201-925-8833
[email protected]
Mark specailizes in searches/placements for online
media -- ad sales, technology tools, and other
relevant applications.

Don Leon
Stephen Bradford Search
800-720-0922 x 304

beth thorban -- howard sloan kohler

tom schnieder -- wcw associates

karol mattes -- korn ferry nyc

Elyse Spalding
[email protected]
203 965 7780

Miles Roty
Recruitment Manager
[email protected]

Kelly Herrick at Searchlight in NYC specializes in
online sales, media and marketing. You can
reach her at 646-522-5577 or
[email protected]

Phyllis Egan & Associates, Inc.
(925) 820-7345
(925) 820-7341 FAX
[email protected]

Roysi Erbes of James & Co.
She found us a lot of great people. Great person to know and well connected.
(212) 414-0200 x510
[email protected]

Marilyn Byrd
Sunny Bates & Associates
[email protected]

Pat Jacoby Leavitt
Profiler – Digital Media Recruiters
Vice President
310-446-8343 office
310-702-4815 Cell
[email protected]

Job Site: http://www.colloquy.com/cont_jobs.asp

Internet Sales Recruiter:
Karlene Comiskey
[email protected]

June 10, 2004 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


NYC BarFurther to my previous posted list of New York Headhunters, here's some more details.

1. List of best advertising headhunter sites

2. List of best job seeker sites for marketers

3. New job postings (free to post, free to access)

Click on Job Hunt Advice under categories on the left hand bar for more advice.

Below are some books on the subject available on Amazon:

February 17, 2004 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


NYC BarYahoo! Hot Jobs: Browse the jobs without having to sign in by looking at all the companies under the categories section. ie.

go to www.hotjobs.com
click career tools button
click communities link
select your required sector link
click category home button
click the browse companies who advertise in this category

you should see something like this.

Click on Job Hunt Advice under categories on the left hand bar for more advice.

Below are some books on the subject available on Amazon:

February 6, 2004 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


NYC BarFollowing my previous list of recruiter contacts in New York City - here is a personally investigated list of HR contacts and email addresses for a number of leading advertsing, direct marketing and interactive agencies in NYC.

Remember time changes everything and please use wisely.

Name / Dept / Email / Company / Info
[email protected] / / [email protected] / Drum Accoc / Ad Boutique
Elizabeth Talerman / MD / [email protected] / Soho Sq / Ad Agency
Robert Fletcher / CEO / [email protected] / MC Saatchi / Ad Agency
Susan Rusnack/ HR / [email protected] / Merkley Newman Harty Partners / Ad Agency
Linda Pryor/ HR /[email protected] / FCB / Ad Agency
Kate Stamford / HR / [email protected] / Interbrand / Branding Agency
[email protected] / HR / [email protected] / RGA / Interactive
[email protected] / [email protected] / Organic / Interactive
? ? ? Korey Kay Ad Boutique
Pat / [email protected] / KPR / Ad Agency
[email protected] / Kirshenbaum + Bond / Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / Icon Media Lab /Interactive
Adele / HR / [email protected] / Hill & Knowlton / Branding Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / Grey Advertising / Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / DDB / Ad Agency
Liisa / HR / [email protected] / Cliff Freeman / Ad Agency
Jennifer Johnson / MD / [email protected] / 141 XM / Interactive
Gloria / HR / [email protected] / Cline Davis Hall / Ad Agency
Carlos / GM / [email protected] / BrandArch / Branding Agency
Bill Fox / Director of Client Services / [email protected] / Brouillard Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / Laird & Partners / Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / AKA / Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / Mad Dogs / Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / Bates / Ad Agency
[email protected] / [email protected] / IMC2 / Interactive
[email protected] / [email protected] / Datran Interactiver
[email protected] / AFG1 / Interactive
[email protected] / [email protected] / DVC / Interactive
[email protected] / [email protected] / Alloy / Interactive
[email protected] / Messagelabs / Interactive
[email protected] / Nail Advertising / Ad Boutique
[email protected] / GlobalWorks / DM
[email protected] / Cheetah Mail / Interactive
PhilMcintyre / Head of Sales / Click 3x / Interactive
[email protected] / iCrossing / Search Engine
Ingrid / HR / [email protected] / Avenue A NYC / Interactive
Barbara Clinton / HR / [email protected] / Lowe Worldwide / Ad Agency
[email protected] / Ogilvy One / DM

New additions:

[email protected] / Grey Direct / DM (11/26/03)

Click on Job Hunt Advice under categories on the left hand bar for more advice.

Below are some books on the subject available on Amazon:

If your name appears on the above list and there is a more approporate person to contact at your agency please let me know via the comments box.

October 25, 2003 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

JOB SEARCH suggestion

Post a situations wanted on Media Posts weekly newsletter: http://www.mediapost.com/cls_main.cfm

October 19, 2003 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


NYC BarHere are a number of recruitment agencies (recruiters) that deal with Marketing in New York City.

I have provided them to assist other job hunters. Don't make me responsible for the accuracy as time changes everything tho. If you have any others - please add to the comments box.

Format: Name / Dept / Email / Company

Dave / [email protected] / Ad Guys
Merle / [email protected] / S Rosenstein
Brunz Pillaz / [email protected] / Bruz Pillaz
[email protected] /Analytic Recruiting
John Karrel / MD / [email protected] / Glocap
Susan / [email protected] / MVC International
SaM / [email protected] / Access NYC
[email protected]
[email protected] / Seque Search
[email protected] / Search Light
Sharon Spielman / [email protected] /HSK Search
[email protected] /Redwood
Susan / [email protected]
Chuck / [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] / AgencySacks
[email protected]
Wendy / [email protected]
[email protected] /Trebor Weldon Lawrence,
[email protected] / vintage Recources
Simon / [email protected]
Louise / [email protected] / Russell Reynolds
[email protected]
[email protected] / Cutting Edge
Jessica / [email protected] / R GoldFarb

Click on Job Hunt Advice under categories on the left hand bar for more advice.

Below are some books on the subject available on Amazon:

** If your name appears on this list and you would like to amend the details please mail guy using the link in the left hand column **

October 14, 2003 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack


NYC Barhttp://www.crain.com/classified/adage/index.cfm

September 24, 2003 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack