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Wed 21st Sept: 3 Act Night

A night of three acts. Kick off at the Strand where I saw Malcolm Gladwell and John Berlin xxx have a good chat about ideas, innovation. Then scooted out when the audience questions started – lots of polite nodding to folk with their own agenda.

Then down to a party with Adriana Huffingdon at uber-blog-person Nick Denton’s apartment.  Blog types mixing with blazer and chino guys, power couples and ambitious smart ladies. It took me to long to get a glass of bubbly so I started getting anxious.

Dash back to pick up the lady from the slightly smaller apartment and then off to see a band the lady has to show her face. We get up top 42nd and the lights shine like it’s daylight. Downstairs in BB Kings a metal band from Finland are being watched by a horde of black T Shirted shaven headed guys and their rather nubile girlfriends. The exception is some skinny pale kid who is freaking out to the tunes in his iPod, ignorant of the soft rock number the guy is singing on stage: “We come from the land of cold. Although we may be bold, we hope our hearts aren’t cold.” or something like that.

September 21, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink


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