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Thur 15th Sept : Arcade Bowie

We turned up to hear the last two songs of Arcade Fire, well the last 2 songs before the encore. I had tried my best to hurry up to Central Park to see them at Summer Stage but I got distracted at 2 bars on Avenue C, then to pick up L at Nevada Smiths on 3rd Avenne, then to pick up the girls at a restaurant on 58. When we met the girls they still had a bottle of wine to get through.

The band won't be on yet - we thought.... meanwhile, 20 blocks north, they were rocking the park.

ArcadefirebowieWhen the lights came down, we were pretty disappointed with ourselves - but then came the encore. And then we didn't feel sorry at all. We were here for the best part of the show!!

>>> DAVID BOWIE c ame on to sing and play with Arcade Fire <<<

September 15, 2005 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink


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