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A Little Job Advice For Brits In NYC

I'm just posting a reply I sent to an email I got. Hope it helps.

> Hey Guy,
> I stumbled across your blog on the internet as I was looking for H1-B
> sponsors in New York City.
> I found this website www.h1base.com where you can pay  $25.00 or more to
> view job listings posted by H1-B sponsors.  I just wondered if you have had
> any experience with this website or if you know of any better ones that I
> could look at?


The best way to do come over and work is to have a Brit company bring you over. Otherwise, I would normally recommend that you come over for 3 months and bang on doors.  But there aren't any visas for another 15 months (I think).

Best bet is to come over in February / March next year - find someone who will put in a sponsorship application in April for you to start October.

Sorry the news isn't positive.... it took me 15 months to get my visa and I lived* here!


* Obviously, this is an exaggeration if anyone from the Immigration Bureau is reading. I was on holiday in the US enjoying this fine country - as this blog testifies.

June 2, 2005 in Job Hunt Advice | Permalink


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US Immigration did run out of H1B's but they have decided to make 20,000 more available this year. See http://www.crn.com/sections/breakingnews/breakingnews.jhtml?articleId=163101217
Some people come over on an F1 Student Visa and find work while they are studying or go for the Optional Practical Training route which sometimes leads to an H1B (rarely). Some opt for an E2 Business Treaty visa, if you got some cash, a business idea that will generate a couple of jobs for US citizens.
Its probably easier (but not recommended) to find a willing lesbian to marry!

Posted by: Steve | Jun 3, 2005 11:38:08 AM

just read some of your stuff on visas... have a VERY similar situation to you, but living in SF... have questions about interview in london... how do i get in touch with you to ask them?

cheers pal...

Posted by: Tush | Jul 22, 2005 5:53:18 PM

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