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Fri 18th Feb : Email To Danny Wallace


It's all your fault. So I've been running this PSFK 'blog' for about 8 months andIt's kind of a collaborative blog  - i.e. different people writing on it. Check it here: http://www.psfk.com

So I read the first 50 pages of your US book (I'm a Brit in New York) and somehow I get inspired to ask if anyone wants to join PSFK. No details. Just simple. I get them to send a photo and do a little task (send a photo, write a story).

What happens? People start joining!  (DK is PSFK Joinee No 1 by the way) .

Problem is I've only read the first 50 pages of your book, so I haven't got a real clue what to talk to my joinees about. And they're already starting to ask questions.

Anyway. I send a photo of myself. The Hat is not mine, but the beer was cheap - The Champion, off Oxford Street. The last time I went through London.  Is that enough to join these days?

If you ever pass through New York - check out my New York Guide: http://newyorkguide.blogs.com



Guy Brighton

February 18, 2005 in Diary, Photography | Permalink


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Have you finished the book yet? Brilliant isn't it!

Posted by: Ian McCallam | Feb 21, 2005 8:43:48 AM

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