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Tues 30th Nov : Typo Salvo

I'm off to Chicago tomorrow for work. Windy City. I was hoping I was going to send myself on a little project to Miami or London and then my boss got involved and I'm here. That could partly be to do with the fact I had one of those days where I had a million things to get done and my spell checker missed the CAPS typos (and the mild swear words) and my boss jumped up and down all over me.
With my head lowered he told me if such and such package had been sent to such and such person yet. It hadn't because he had told me that we had to do such a thing in passing and then not given any instructions where. So he gives me the hotel and and he makes sure that I know I can't make a mistake. I Google the hotel for an address and put it on a bike. 50 minutes later HE answers a call from the wrong hotel who's received the package! That site I googled had the wrong address!! Should have seen his face.
So that's how I got my second warning for the job. He told me I had a warning over the phone 11pm Tuesday night - just before he asked if I could go to Chicago at 10.45am the next day. I asked when I would book return. There was no answer.

November 30, 2004 in Diary | Permalink


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