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Wed 17th Nov : Brother In Town

So the brother hit town. He turned up and I got there late. The A & The Air Train isn't as fast as I try to convince the lady. First night a burger at Bistro, He got tired. I hate the rest of his burger, drank the rest of his beer. Shame to waste.

The next day I left him to wander the lean streets of Manhattan. I think a mix of jet lag, exercise and Britishness got the best of him so he got home and had a large beer in the garden out back. Night fell and after he finished the beer he realised he was locked out. Starts banging on the door. Neighbour comes out and opens up. He’s standing there looking like  a shaven headed thug and a large bottle o beer in a brown paper bag in his hand. Kind neighours as they are - they let him in of course.

The next 2 nights the Lady and I subject him to a competition: my frrends vs. her friends. My friends being Brits and their Brit girlfriends and the Lady's friends being single, barmy, probably-blonde. The night out with the Brits last night was quite tame. Everyone has got a job. I was gettign worried. My bro couldn't make up his mind so we dragged the Lady's friends on the second night down to Nu Blu. They had a one handed trumpeter playing to the beats. He blew us away - and the blondes home.

Ho hum - tried to get to new bar about 49 Bowery but it wasn't open so I took him for a few late night beers at Passer By. Yeah - a good NYC experience late at night. Fun, frenzied crowd. And the staff even gave me a 'these ones are on the house'! Never before.

My brother must have looked cool all weekend.


November 17, 2004 | Permalink


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