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Wed 19th Oct : Red Sox Week

Priceless11Ended up down the local last night. A million pubs in New York and all I want to do is go down the Brass Monkey. Last night was the end of series Baseball match btwn Red Sox and Yankees. A bit like the FA Cup.

Pub was packed and they played the match over the speakers even by the window. Didn't help me enjoy the decent turkey burger. The barmaid obviously remembered me from the other week but didn’t give it away.

Luckily The Lady felt unwell and we got to go home. Watched the game and with the help of a long haired stubbled chap (not me) the Red Sox won and it was the biggest upset since Clay vs. Liston supposedly the TV said. Yank TV, you got to love it for bigging it up.


Would rather watch 5 days cricket than watch another hour of that.

Social life is beginning to defrost. Maybe a Belgian beer tonight with a German, a German beer with The Lady and her friends tomorrow (which isn’t real social life) and then LADS POKER NIGHT SATURDAY.

Ph_1130282Can’t fkg wait. I tell The Lady last night and she asks why the girls aren’t invited. I then spend 15 minutes explaining why I need to hang with male company. She doesn;t still get it. I give up and point at the scruffy man swinging the bat on TV: Look - it's Guy!

October 21, 2004 in Diary | Permalink


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