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Fri 15th Oct : The Lists

The day's been good but now The Lady and I have to face each other with our lists. She asks who wants to go first. I suggest she does.

Here's an overview:

Aspects Of Guy's Behavior That Annoys The Lady

* Eats too fast

* Drinks too fast

* Drinks too much

* Has a hot temper

* Gets jealous

* Doesn't show feelings

* Never shows an interest in household things : bills, repairs, utilities, decorating

* Doesn't offer help, have always to ask

* Never offers to cook

* Goes out and doesn't call to say he's coming home late

* Gets drunk

* Friends are alcoholics

* Reacts defensively

* Shuts out other people's feelings, maybe he doesn't care

* Wasteful of his money

Aspects Of The Lady's Behavior That Annoys Guy

* Nags a bit

October 15, 2004 in Diary, The Lady | Permalink


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