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Felt a bit guilty when half way through the unpacking I announced that I was off out now to play some cards at 7. Some very good cards in Brooklyn with Andrew and thre crowd. We got the new British guy who works for Calvin Klein and somehow he lost all his cash.... we all had a good laugh about it. Well we did, he told us he'd call us sometime.

The rest of us traipsed back into town via Union Square then to Nu Blu into the East Village. I now realise that this is best visited late. Crowded, fun. Lots of dancing about to ethnic-house - me dancing Persian style like The Lady's aunt showed me (arms stretched out, hands a-twirling, hips twitching from side to side). Bouncer has a word.

Got back home about 4 ish thinking I was going to be in trouble but luckily the Lady had already passed out! She had had some friends around and drunk a bottle and a half of wine. I was also in better shape becuase I found a note on the kitchen table that came from the downstairs neighbour about the noise she had been making. Welcome home!

July 27, 2004 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink


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