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Three weeks now since that big pitch and we are still in negotaitions. The longer the negotiations, the smaller the project. Everything is quiet. None of my contacts are responding. I check out www.jigsaw.com betato find some new leads but they're mostly wrong.

I don't bother going to the office - maybe I'll come back on on Friday.

The worry is that our ad agency venutre is going to fail. If it fails then my H1B visa for the 1st October won't be available. And how many of those 2005 H1Bs are really left? Some say that they'll all be given out by July!

Might have to get sent home like this friendly England supporting chap in Portugal.

An artist interpretation of Guy being marched out of the US, after a little shock made his hair fall out

June 17, 2004 in Diary | Permalink


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