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I had to spend a lot of time making up to the Lady. I had been out Wednesday (and failed to call in after 9pm) and it was apparently all my fault that the apartment wasn't fully cleaned and the food ready for the guests about to arrive.

But - I have to admit, the Lady is a marvel. She must have a magic wand and despite my poor imitation of helping everyhting turns out wonderfully. Tonight she cooked vegetarian curry. Everyone loved it. She even warmed to me (the big bunch of flowers helped). I also agreed to go out for a quick night cap with the couple we had over (even though my hang over from the night before was still kicking in).

We dropped in to see a very cool arty crowd at the FLIP THE SCRIPT party at P-13(?) at 52 Walker Street. The Smiths and the Cure coming from the turntables, lots of odd hairstyles. The Lady beginning to totter.

We left after a short term of people watching and ended up in the Liquor Bar. We sat at a table beside this cute Australian shephard dog called Clio. The Lady picked it up for a cuddle. I got drinks from the bar: there I thought I saw Jackie Stewart (British Racing driver from the 70s bon vivant): tight pants/trousers, snug leather jacket, blonde hair long over his collar. But it wasn't it was someone else I couldn't place. The Lady saw who I was looking at, dropped the dog and stumbled over and nudged me whilst smiling at him - oh, it's the blond geezer from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Alright, Lady, you don't need to make a scene.

I think another one was there but I haven't watched the show much so I couldn't confirm. Anyway, I returned to my seat trying to avoid his attention: not in a homophobic way - I just worried that he'd pop over and say, "Hey - you'd be perfect for my show!" It was hard to not be noticed. The Lady was on her hands and knees looking for the dog. "CLIO!" she screamed. "CLIO!"

Alright, Lady, you don't need to make a scene.

The dog wasn't having any of it though. Nor the owner. She picked the dog up and left with Mr Q-Eye immediately.

Maybe QEFSG Blondie may now think the Ladie's perfect for his new show!
Jackie Stewart / Blond Bloke QESG
(Page for more gr8 images)!!

April 2, 2004 in Diary, The Lady | Permalink


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