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Dragged the Lady and her brother over to the open day at the newly renovated Brooklyn Museum.

How far? she asks. But the 2 got us there in no time. Nice local artist exhibit on 4th and 5th floors.

A few photos:

New Front at Brooklyn Museum

Brooklyn Museum tunes

Nice dress sweetheart

A little bit of art

Then down to Prospect Park to hang and watch....
Silly buggers ponsing around

Brooklyn Marching Band

Jump up and down like you really don't...

More photos >>>

April 19, 2004 in Day Time Wanderings, Diary, Photography | Permalink


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Pictures from the Brooklyn Museum of Art's opening on Saturday... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 19, 2004 10:00:26 AM


I was there at the Brooklyn Museum on Saturday as well. Great pictures of the marching band! I was standing on my tippy toes trying to see them. One of these days, we're going to run into each other at a random place...

Posted by: Niche | Apr 19, 2004 9:50:00 AM

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