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Bunked off on Friday as the Lady had a day off. People in America need more time off!!!

Went up to Brooklyn for a little explore - and to try to convince her that it may be worth a move out here....

Started at Smith Street - a fairly nice neighbourhood called Carrol Gardens - it has a few boutiques mixed in with the older locals shops - a bit like Crouch End! Then walked down through Fulton Street Market - which is like Oxford Street on a bad day and then over to Brooklyn Heights at the north west corner of Brooklyn.

Brooklyn Heights Promenade

A built up hill that overlooks the south side of Manhattan - nice, smart, boring. Got a promenade overlooking the financial district and the rest of the city.

Old Cars, Brooklyn

We walked down under the Brooklyn Bridge and into a developing district called DUMBO. A small area under the bridges. Had Pizza at a great local place called Patsy's (altho the name on the door is different). Had coffee, mooched around, looked in arty and furniture stores.

View from DUMBO

Then we went over to one of my favourite places in Brooklyn: Vingear Hill: a small quiet old town that New York seems to have forgotten. Will take some more photos next time...

April 11, 2004 in Day Time Wanderings, Diary, Photography | Permalink


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