I have changed the site web address! You will automatically be redirected to www.guybrighton.com in 3 seconds. If your browser doesn't automatically load, click HERE. Guy Brighton's Wishful Thinking: FRI 16th APR : ABOUT

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A quick one far to early in the promising NuBlu on Ave C then over to Miss Williamsburg for so-so food in their converted trailer. Back to the scary crowds upstairs at the Maritime Hotel. Escape to the Passer By.

Brooklyn Taxi

Back to New York City

April 19, 2004 in Diary, Night Life Adventures | Permalink


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» Passerby from Guy Brighton's New York Guide
West 15th near 10th - cool bar with 70s lit-up square tile floor (yes, I know I'm selling it to you already.. ;). A nice little joint that gets rocking on the late side. Passerby's the best place in the [Read More]

Tracked on Dec 22, 2004 4:31:28 PM


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