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After leaving St Patrick's I took the 7 alone across to Queens. As I watched the great view of the city as we passed by the Hunters Point Avenue stop I noticed a clown sat further down the carriage on the other side. Was he there before? No one seemed to notice him in his hat, jacket and trousers awash with stars and stripes. Big shoes, or big toes. His face was white with red cheeks and his nose was crowned with a flag spangled 2004 pair of sunglasses too. He looked miserable. It was as if he was on the first subway ride home after celebrating NYE in Times Square. Probably a children's entertainer of sorts, I imagined. At the next stop a lady-busker came on and as we moved off started to sing with her guitar. Misery guts got up and rushed out at the end of the carriage carrying a star spangled bucket of change.

Maybe it was a sign. I found very little of interest at the MOMA QNS apart from the selection they displayed from the permanent collection. If you want to see the best of the Kiki Smith stuff, pop by and look at the beautiful wallpaper with willow leaf print you can see without buying a ticket.

Yes, maybe I wasn't in the mood - but I was in the mood for the great peppersteak sandwich at the Dominican diner outside on the corner. Food - a real art. On the return journey I was entertained by a very tall older black guy with big square glasses who seemed to be having a whistling competition with a short Latino guy in a suit. I'm not too sure the former was even aware of the latter but I couldn't help noticing as the Latino guy sat beside me kept shouting out something that sounded like 'charidas' between the two or three wispy notes he kept repeating.

February 1, 2004 | Permalink


oaqiztaig jtoxuiuu.

Posted by: Benedict | Dec 21, 2004 5:22:50 PM

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