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So went for a pint with the boss at the Ear Bar (I'm trying to be a recognised regular) and he flaked after one beer - you could see it in his eyes - he just wasn't interested in discussing the pitch for the Electronics Reseller programme any further ;)

Luckily got last minute note from Andrew and we met in Meatpacking - th Gaslight. Not the best boozer in the world but the only one Andrew remembers to get to (even after all this time). I was late, and we scratched our heads as to where to go (most bars round there don;t get too busy until late).

So we did the usual, sauntered around and said, 'don't know where to really go but there's a pub down there' - at which point we see a crowd outside a bar waiting to get in. We approach and stop a few yards away - it must be a private party. The young lady with the guest list says, 'Hey - you looking for Cielo?' I reply, 'Is there a Private party here?' and she says, 'Yes, this is the place - what are your names'. Andrew shows his sign-in pass for Tommy and we enter this packed photography party - drinks, suits selling some digital technology swish camera-jocks and models. Oh - and an open bar. Fun - and by the time it ended (10pm) I'm sure every man and me were semi-circled around the dance floor watching these semi-clad models dance their booty off - for the attention of a photographer chap.

Andrew got Phil and his gang through the door and they grabbed a last drink before we went to APT round the corner. Downstairs was empty - so we start dancing to DJ we are and suddenly we're surrounded by these amazon women - think oversized models with Jersey attitude (no, not the Island...) before we know it, there's a crowd in a semi-circle around us watching these bizarre idiots (us) mucking about with these strange women. Then they circled us - we were trapped. They looked down on us and smiled. Andrew feined a move for the bar, they looked at each other, I ducked under one of them's legs and we ran for it. Poor Phil - he didn;t make it - we still haven't heard from him.

The Lady got home after me and when I told her that I had had a quiet night she told me she had had one also - now I'm worried.....

January 24, 2004 | Permalink


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