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So this is the test for New York. I've been here 6 months and I've taken the rough with the smooth - and I'm still struggling but I'm still fighting. This is going to make or break the old camel's back:

So I went for a drink with boss and his missus and the Lady to a new bar / restaurant on Hudon & Horatio called Bivio last night at a bar/restaurant and some chap walks out with my coat - probably accidentally because he left his identical one there - identical, except for the fact it didn't have the Lady's digital camera, the expensive scarf she got me and her apartment keys in it, like the one I left. Sht, I thought to myself when I took the coat off - no one's going to rifle thru my pockets in a place like this.

Have a business card an architect found in the pocket. Give him a call later and lie that I found a coat with loads of money / something valuable in it - does he know who's it is?

So you can guess who's in the dog house. Bllx - and I have to go to the dentist at noon.

New York come through for me and give me my stuff back - PLEASE

January 29, 2004 | Permalink


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