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Saturday starts off OK because we get invited out to this couple's place for 'Fetivas' - (Dan & Juls) This is more like it: Some of the regular crowd (including Stace and Amelia) talkingloudlyswingingbottles. Amelia turns up and I accidentally point out that we had to go for a few more drinks after her dinner last night and she can't work out why we would want to... then Amelia gives Juls a 'Happy' Holidays' present from a smart design shop. It's a coffee cup. Amelia says, 'turn it round, it says something on it'. I say, 'yeah, Starbucks!' Deadly glare from Amelia .... (it said 'Coffee' in very fine print, by the way - which I imagine to America is exactly the same as my answer).

So stagger out of the afternoon party after the beer somehow runs out around 7pm - Dan, the host, seems to be avoiding my questions about where it all went. We go and see the Lady's pal Lucy for a drink in Soho. Was very pleasant until Lucy's trying to invite herself to our Miami roadtrip but wants to keep the costs down. She suggests we all share a room together: the Lady gets nervous and changes conversation.

We join Stace for late dinner at Mekong in Soho and this Stace spends the whole night talking about shagging Lucy's plutonic friend Sean to get him interested in Lucy. Lucy agrees. The Lady eyes my reaction. I try to avoid discussing Stace's logic and instead get more curry down me then the rest of them put together.

Then Stace starts joking about shagging me. I'm not too sure how that's going to positively change the Lady's opinion about me. The Lady looks nervous and asks Stace about the new guy she's started seeing.

Stace announces that she's going out with a Rocket Scientist. Lots of mirth there: I drop into the conversation: 'does he light your fuse?', 'I can see the sparkle in your eye', 'hope the relationship takes off', 'bet you haven't come down since you met him', 'best guy you met in light-years', before they realise what I'm doing - or maybe it's the 'does he fly you to the moon?' remark.... (please note, I might be seeing Stace in the next couple of days so if you have any other suggestions - please add to the comments box below)

We finally get home the Lady actually flies off the handle. I get grief about me wanting to sleep with her mates. I'm like - but they said it. Ladies' logic. I promised her that I won't even think about it....

December 21, 2003 in Diary | Permalink


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