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Woke up without a hangover which was suprising as we were celebrating one of the lady's friend's birthdays on Monday night. Italian on the charming West 14th! Two bottles of wine between six of us (five girls and me) and most of them girls chose appetizer salads. Went for steak to make up with the slow performance. No singing or being asked to leave at end of night. My, it's a little different here.

Good thing was that the lady's friend's gave me the thumbs up - which she tells me is very important. Happy with this news I left Bank St on Tuesday morning to move the car to somewhere I can park on Tuesdays.

Hmmm. The car was 'absent'.

I should have realised that I was a little stupid to have thought to myself yesterday "Wow - there's enough room there to park two cars, I'm surprised no one else noticed it. That's handy"

Tow fee was $185 and parking near a fire-hydrant $105. Lady is not too happy and, I admit, we had a small row which ended in the lady demanding I go home.

Quiet night in.

July 8, 2003 in Diary | Permalink


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